GJH Hiztegi eleaniztuna

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This portal comprises a specialized, multilingual dictionary on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) specified in the 2030 Agenda. Aligned with the 2030 Agenda, the project aims to enrich and promote action in Basque in the field of the Sustainable Development Goals, firstly, to promote awareness and critical thinking among the general public and, secondly, to propose effective measures to address the climate emergency. In this regard, it should be noted that the Sustainable Development Goals and Objectives do not include aspects related to minority culture and languages. To address this shortcoming, the Basque Government has launched initiatives within the 2030 Agenda to give culture and languages greater visibility; so it has incorporated Objective 18, a specific objective based on linguistic and cultural diversity, and it is in that context that the compilation of this dictionary should be put.

The dictionary’s starting point is a piece of work by the Danobatgroup machine-tool and advanced manufacturing industrial group, and is linked to Danobatgroup's commitment to Sustainability, Social Responsibility and the Basque language. When implementing their sustainability strategy, this group of companies saw the need to work on terms in this field and compiled a glossary with terms and definitions in Spanish and English. Later, in response to the commitment made by the group to work in Basque, it saw the need to develop all this terminology in Basque and approached Elhuyar for this purpose. Taking advantage of its long experience in the production of dictionaries and seeing that there were no dictionaries in this field, Elhuyar did not hesitate to join the project.

Elhuyar’s remit was to transfer the information to a database structure and complete the section in Basque: to compile and propose the terms in Basque and to translate the definitions into Basque, as well as to classify the concepts by area and to design a website in which the content could be made available to the general public. This work was funded and overseen by the President’s Department of the Basque Government.

So now all the information is available on this website. The dictionary has a total of 3,600 concepts in the field of sustainable development, and users will find the following information relating to each concept: definition, terms and field. The terms and definitions are provided in three languages: Basque, Spanish and English, and the website interface can also be set up in either of the three languages. The website also offers additional information; for example, other dictionaries can be consulted via the same interface.

Finally, the three organisations participating in the project wish to emphasize that this dictionary seeks to be a living resource, so users can use this website to make comments and proposals.

If you would like to receive further information about the project, please write to us at and we will respond as soon as possible.

Dictionary features

This dictionary contains 3,600 concepts in the field of the Sustainable Development Goals. As for the terms, the numbers per language are:

  • Basque: 4,243 terms
  • Spanish: 4,415 terms
  • English: 4,319 terms

The concepts are classified into 32 areas:

Human activities and products, environmental consequences

  • Agriculture, forestry; livestock farming; fisheries
  • Chemicals, substances, processes
  • Consequences, impacts
  • Energy
  • Industry, professions; technology; equipment
  • Physical aspects, noise, vibrations, radiation
  • Products, materials
  • Leisure, tourism
  • Resources (use of resources)
  • Commerce, services
  • Traffic, transport
  • Waste, pollutants, pollution

Natural environment, anthropic environment

  • Anthroposphere (urban environment, human settlements, land planning
  • Atmosphere (air, climate)
  • Biosphere (organisms, ecosystems)
  • Environment (natural environment, anthropic environment)
  • Hydrosphere (fresh water, saltwater, water types)
  • Land (landscape, geography)
  • Lithosphere (soil, geological processes)
  • Space
  • Time (chronology)

Social aspects, environmental policy measures

  • Administration, management, criteria, policy, institutions, planning
  • Economy, finance
  • Environmental policies
  • Health, food
  • Information, education, culture, environmental awareness
  • Laws, standards, agreements
  • Research, sciences
  • Risks, safety
  • Society
  • Social justice
  • Complementary terms

To compile the dictionary, we took current dictionary trends into consideration and used technologies developed by Elhuyar’s Language and Technology Unit.

Working team


  • Danobatgroup and Elhuyar


  • Spanish and English section:
    • Danobatgroup

  • Basque section (Elhuyar):
    • Amaia Astobiza
    • Klara Ceberio
    • Eli Pociello


  • Iker Manterola
  • Josu Murua


  • TheNiu



AFNOR - Association française de Normalisation

Basel Convention


British National Health Service (NHS)



Disclosure Insight Action

CED Environmental


Centre de Terminologia TERMCAT


Congressional Research Service

DANOBAT Hiztegia

EEA - Multilingual Environmental Glossary

Energia Hiztegia


EPA - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


European Commission

European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change


Euskalterm: Terminologia banku publikoa

FairTrade International

FCDO - Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Garapen Jasangarrirako Helburuak - Nazio Batuak

Global Ecolabelling Network (GEN)



IATE- European Union Terminology

Ingurumen hiztegia

Instituto de Investigación en Combustión y Contaminación Atmosférica - ICCA

International Labour Organization

International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC)

International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

ISO Standards

Lanbide Heziketarako euskarazko materiala

Laneki – Lanbide Heziketako Hiztegia

Le grand dictionnaire terminologique (GDT)

Munduko Natura Funtsa (WWF)

Nazio Batuak



Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Osasunaren Mundu Erakundea (OME)

Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC)

Round Table on Responsible Soy (RTRS)

Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels (RSB)

Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)